Use the Groups Overview Screen
Use the Groups Overview screen to create groups, manage the allocation of groups to courses and control the behaviour of groups in the matrix.
This is the default screen that is opened from the Block Matrix button on the Start ribbon, but you can also access this screen by clicking the Open Groups Overview button.
The Groups Overview screen allows you to:

You can use the Search bar to locate the relevant course.
Alternatively, you can click the down arrow to display the Course code and Course description fields if you want to filter by both parameters.
The fields in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Blocks | Colour codes of the blocks that the course belongs to. |
Code | The course code. |
Course | The course description. |
Occurrence | The calendar occurrence. |
Applications | The number of applications for the course. |
Enrolments | The number of enrolments on the course. |
Target Places | The target number of places of the course. |
Total Places | The total number of places on the course. |
Groups | The number of groups that the course is in. |
Group Places | The total number of places in the groups that the course is in. |
Min places | The minimum number of places on the course. |
Max places | The maximum number of places on the course. |

The bar chart displays a summary of the number of places allocated to each block, based on the sum of the group places.
A tooltip is displayed when hovering over any column, and shows the number of places allocated to that block.
This enables you to view how evenly places are allocated across blocks. The more closely aligned the columns, the more evenly places are distributed, which means that there will not be extreme fluctuations in the numbers of learners in class at any given time.

To add a UIO group to a course:
Search for and select the relevant course in the Courses panel.
Any existing groups are displayed in the Groups panel.
Click the Add UIO Group button on the Block Matrix ribbon.
Alternatively, select an existing group in the Groups panel.
Enter or edit the relevant details in the Group/Periods panel.
The fields in the Groups/Periods panel are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Group Code | The group code. |
Block | The block to which the group will be allocated. |
Places | The number of places in the group. |
Disabled | Whether the group is temporarily disabled so that is not used when load balancing users. |
Keep active periods in sync |
Whether all details in the Periods section are common to all periods. This allows you to assign the same details to all of the timetable events that will be generated from the Block Matrix for this group. |
Periods panel |
The periods in the block. Select a period in this panel to edit the following details. Periods are maintained on the Matrix screen. |
Active | Whether the period selected on the left of the panel is used by this group. |
Description | The event description. |
Event Type | The event type (for example: Class). |
Tutor |
The member of staff linked to the generated event for this group/period. Block Matrix only allows you to assign one member of staff to a group/period. Any additional staff should be added in ebs: shape after generation. |
Function | The person function of the staff member on the generated event. |
Room | The room assigned to the generated events for this group/period. |
Layout | The room layout to be used. Where rooms have multiple layouts (as defined in reference data), you can select the room layout used for this group/period. |
Capacity | The number of learners that can be accommodated in the chosen room in the selected layout. |
- Click Save.

To delete a UIO group:
Search for and select the relevant course in the Courses panel.
Select the relevant group in the groups panel, and then click the Delete UIO Group button on the Block Matrix ribbon.
A confirmation message is displayed.
- Click Yes.
- Click Save.